Creating new Application |
ArtixMedia Menu Studio enables users to create new applications without having any difficulties during that process. After the start of the program it is necessary to select in main menu File-New. After that a New Project window will appear. After setting needed parameters in the given window, button OK must be clicked and a blank page will appear. Components must be placed here. To add a new component on the page, the icon of the desired one must be chosen and clicked on the Components' Bar, and than the mouse must be moved at the desired place on the page and clicked again. All the components and their properties are precisely described in Component description. To create one more page, choose in main menu Page-New. Transitions
between the pages are possible with Event processing.
Such components TextHot, ImageHot,
ButtonClassics, ButtonImages
can respond to events. To enable these components to do that, it is necessary
to use properties Actions on move or Actions
on click.
After an application has been created it is necessary to compile it (Project-Compile). That's all. Your multimedia application is ready. We wish you success
and enjoyment from working with ArtixMedia Menu Studio.